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Werewolf Packs

Expanded section that lists all known werewolf packs in the Mercyverse. Links from here will expand pack details.

Identified Werewolves

This section contains a snapshot list of all identified werewolves in the Mercyverse. Links will expand to individual character pages.

General Werewolf Facts & Behavior

The Conclave & The Reveal

More details on the Marrok Conclave of Alphas and the lead up and eventual reveal of the werewolves to the general public.

Werewolf Physiology

Werewolf Physiology Overview etc

The Effects of Silver

How to Kill a Werewolf

The Change & Shifting

New Werewolves

The Marrok & Pack Dynamics

The Marrok

Werewolf Dominance





Joining a Pack

New Werewolves

Old Werewolves|Wildlings

Werewolf Bonds

Mating Bonds

Pack Bonds

Pack Magic, Ceremonies & Ritual Behavior

Magic Spells

Magic Spells A classification combined list of magic spells

werewolf.1626147991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/12 20:46 by linda