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Types Of Nature Supernaturals

This is a snapshot of all the nature supernatural types in the Mercyverse.

How to Read the Format:

Name: Alphabetical by type.
IA: Initial Appearance or Mention (Book or Short Fiction) - Link will lead to series or short fiction summaries and snapshot.
Characters Affiliated as this Nature Type - Link will lead to individual character pages with expanded details.

Known Characteristics & Information

  • Broken Down by Series/Short Fiction with page notation



IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
Joe Old Coyote

Known Characteristics & Information:
River Marked


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information:
River Marked


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked
Coyote Avatar
Hawk Avatar
Singer Avatar
Carson Twelve Spoons Deceased
Fred Owens
Gary Laughingdog
Hank Owens
Jack Campbell
Mercy Thompson
Zander Fernwood Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
1. an incarnation in human form
Avatars of the archetypal warrior spirits that pattern the walkers

River Marked

  • AKA Walkers
  • a reflection of archetypes




IA: Alpha & Omega Series #4: Dead Heat
Mackie Sani

Known Characteristics & Information:
Dead Heat

  • evil spirits of the dead16
  • not supposed to say the word because bad things will happen to you16
  • wild spirits, evil things, wrong things; Navajo word42
  • don't say the word or the evil spirits will come get you42
  • not wise to speak the name of evil where it might hear you70
  • they don't listen to children70
  • evil spirits can be sung out of a body137



IA: Alpha & Omega Series #1: Cry Wolf

Known Characteristics & Information:
Cry Wolf

  • they influenced the natural world: weather, plants and some animals232



Forest Spirit

IA: Alpha & Omega Series #1: Cry Wolf
Charles Cornick

Known Characteristics & Information:
Cry Wolf Hunting Ground

  • they told what they wanted to, whether you wanted to hear it or not
  • blackberry sanctuary for those who didn't mind their thorns; urban sanctuary



IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Golem of Prague Rabbi Loew

Known Characteristics & Information:
Silence Fallen

  • had thought magical robots, an animated bit of stone, obedient to the will of the man who had called them into being229
  • element of self-determination and thought that did not belong to a robot; no robot ever had a spirit that traveled the streets long after the body was gone to dust<usp>229</sup>

Great Spirit

IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information
River Marked

  • a time will come when the Great Spirit will send us back out into the world again, entrusted with tasks to accomplish.


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #8: Night Broken
Juan Flores

Known Characteristics & Information:
Night Broken


House Spirit

IA: Alpha & Omega Series #3: Fair Game
Charles Cornick

Known Characteristics & Information:
Fair Game

  • some homes had spirits and some did not110
  • a new house; not home to generations of children, so the spirit is weak110

Hunger That Devours

IA: Alpha #3: Fa

Known Characteristics & Information:
Wild Sign

  • hungry for flesh153







IA: Mercy Thompson Series #10: Silence Fallen
Golem of Prague

Known Characteristics & Information:
Silence Fallen

  • are bits of the spirit of the earth229
  • the whole earth has an enormous manitou, it can stir as one spirit, but it is too large to be concerned with minor things229
  • mostly the earth's manitou sleeps229
  • dandelion or pebbles has a bit of manitou, a bit that is fully independent of the whole; their manitou is very small and does not have much power to affect things around it229
  • mountains and lakes also have manitou; theirs are powerful and tend, like Mother Earth's greater manitou, to be dangerous when roused; that doesn't happen a lot230
  • Avatars like Coyote, Thunderbird etc are very closely related to manitou - like a horse and jackass230
  • manitou cannot die; it just is, like the sun and the rain; it can be changed or hidden, but it cannot be killed231

Mountain Spirit

IA: Alpha & Omega Series #1: Cry Wolf
Charles Cornick

Known Characteristics & Information:
Cry Wolf

  • spirits in the Cabinet mountains had never been welcoming; they resented intruders
  • might be that they were more active or something could have happened
  • Bitterroots or Pintlers spirits more welcoming






River Devil

IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information:



IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information:


IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign

Known Characteristics & Information:

Wild Sign


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Grandma Daisy Hardesty

Known Characteristics & Information:
Moon Called

  • a witch of the Southwest Indian tribes who uses a skin to turn into a coyote or some other animal and goes around causing disease and death
  • he white settlers incorrectly used the term for all the native shapechangers and the name stuck

Iron Kissed

  • Native American shapeshifter
  • come from Southwestern tribes, mostly Hopi or Navajo
  • have to wear the skin of the animal they change into, usually a coyote or wolf, but they cannot change their eyes
  • they are evil mages who bring disease and death wherever they go

Burn Bright

  • Native American version of a black witch272
  • doesn't matter what form they take; male or female272
  • wears the skins of their victims264
  • a medicine man, healer, or shaman who has given up their connection with the way of the earth is more evil than anything265
  • when those who are sent to do good turn from that path, when they gain power and long life by stealing life from others - there is no greater evil265
  • they are rare and dangerous265
  • hard to see them - but if you look in their eyes; it is their eyes that give them away266
  • there is only one way to kill them, if you are not a medicine man; that is with fire266

Singer in the Woods

IA: Alpha & Omega Series #6: Wild Sign
Leah Cornick
Singer in the Woods
Zander Ferwood

Known Characteristics & Information:
Wild Sign

  • damaged, hungry, lonesome; it needs136
  • being witchborn doesn't matter to it142
  • a pretty name for a creature not friendly202
  • doesn't bargain like demons or fae; doesn't follow the rules202
  • it wanted walkers in the world; walkers to find out things for it and bring back food209
  • bargains with intent209
  • feeds on music; feeds on emotions254
  • powers are music and memory; they can also be used to defend against him; something defiant296
  • alien; not in body; it didn't matter what body it wore326
  • could supply the spark of life - but required two human vessels to complete the act332
  • not yet Become350
  • not like the archetypes; required living men to get women pregnant; when it died, the life force in it's children it fathered on mortal women died350


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information:


IA: Alpha & Omega Series #1: Cry Wolf
Charles Cornick

Known Characteristics & Information:

Cry Wolf

  • more demanding, if often less beneficent
  • gave a little help in planning for the future
  • respond to implusive prayer by interfering a bit further
  • tick them off and they may decide to aid enemies instead
  • all you can do is ask and if it suits their whims, the spirits allow it
  • only the crazy or stupid go out looking for spirits145
  • most spirits are more friendly and unfriendly rather than good or evil145
  • there aren't as many people who hear them as there used to be–which means more work for those who do145
  • sometimes they'll help out if asked but more often or not they have something they need done145

Hunting Ground

  • modern things tended to block them12
  • were silent as they habitually were in the city

Fair Game

  • spirits weren't ghosts; they were the consciousness of things that some didn't think were alive; trees and water, stones and earth
  • spirits; nothing Indian about them other than we believe they exist and most others don't166
  • The spirits are more a way for nature to talk to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear;they never were human.

Dead Heat

  • dying left a man very close to the whole spirit of the world, and odd things made it through118
  • innocent dead; children killed before they had a chance to decide wo they were going to be; unfinished282
  • men who say the spirits had to listen to them293

Stick Men

IA: Alpha & Omega Series #5: Burn Bright
Medicine Man

Known Characteristics & Information:
Burn Bright [ * malevolent and extremely dangerous forest spirits






IA: Mercy Thompson Series #1: Moon Called
Carson Twelve Spoons Deceased
Fred Owens
Gary Laughingdog
Hank Owens
Jack Campbell
Mercy Thompson
Zander Ferwood Deceased

Known Characteristics & Information:
Wild Sign

  • AKA Walker in the World229
  • descendants of primordial powers; most not first-generation229
  • walk in the world and do its bidding, be its eyes229


IA: Mercy Thompson Series #6: River Marked

Known Characteristics & Information:


wendigo, and he believes that it was physically capable of killing this way. They smell oddly of magic, the way Mercy described them. But he didn’t think that it would have left canid paw prints—or left anything except bare bones. Their curse is that they hunger in a way that cannot ever be satisfied. Also, they tend to haunt the mountain passes, not the open shrub steppe. He’s having Charles do a little more research for us.”

Werewolf Spirit




types_of_nature_supernaturals.1623442602.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/11 13:16 by linda